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Episode 48 – Origin Story & 2022 Transition

In this episode, Tony and Eric are in studio to discuss the roots of the podcast and future for the show. Revealing Voices will become a part of Tony’s Delight in Disorder Ministries – a new nonprofit dedicated to publishing content to educate and...

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Episode 49 – Dr. Bruce and Sally Riddle in Studio E

Eric’s parents, Dr. Bruce and Sally Riddle, join us in Studio E in this penultimate episode of Eric hosting the podcast. Bruce shares his story living with bipolar disorder, discussing the struggle getting through his med school internship and residency. Sally talks through the...

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Episode 50 – Eric’s Finale with Brandon Andress

On Eric’s final episode as co-host of Revealing Voices, we invited Brandon Andress back for his second interview. In 2021, Brandon published his fourth book, “What Can’t Be Hidden.” At the beginning of the show, we discuss the writing process as he switched to...

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New Blood in the Hood: The Season 5 Trailer

While Eric pours himself into saving the planet one pollinator plant at a time, Revealing Voices goes global with top-drawer advocates for co-hosts, a new sound engineer and guests that continue to explore what healing means in the context of caring for those impacted...

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Episode 51 – Kathy Day, An Advocate’s Advocate

Tony Roberts and co-host, Laura Pogliano, talk with Kathy Day, MPA. Kathy is currently the caregiver, advocate, and conservator for her family member who was diagnosed with schizophrenia in 2010. She is active in local, state, and national advocacy to promote the need for...

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Episode 52 – Kathryn Parke, A Therapist Who Respects Clients with Serious Brain Illnesses and Other Mental Health Conditions

Kathryn Parke is a clinical social worker and psychotherapist in Baltimore, MD. She has fifteen years of experience working with severe psychiatric brain disorders in both community mental health systems and clinical hospital settings. Kathryn is passionate about supporting this community and approaches her...

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