Episode 52 – Kathryn Parke, A Therapist Who Respects Clients with Serious Brain Illnesses and Other Mental Health Conditions

Kathryn Parke is a clinical social worker and psychotherapist in Baltimore, MD. She has fifteen years of experience working with severe psychiatric brain disorders in both community mental health systems and clinical hospital settings. Kathryn is passionate about supporting this community and approaches her work with a method of compassionate partnering. She works with patients and their families with a wide array of mental health issues. She is currently in private practice in Towson, MD.

About the Author
After graduating from Louisville Presbyterian Seminary (LPTS), Tony served over 18 years in pastoral ministry while battling bipolar disorder. He now is a Mental Health Minister serving as Chief Shepherd for Delight in Disorder Ministries. He has written two books — Delight in Disorder and When Despair Meets Delight.