Podcast Episodes

Podcast launched on March 1, 2018 with new releases every other Thursday.

Episode 37 – Pastoring in the Pandemic

As we press forward in these difficult days, we want to feature voices from a variety of perspectives whose life and work has been strongly impacted by this crisis. On this episode, Les Rust talks about how the virus and ensuing quarantine is impacting the ministry of faith communities.

Leslie D. Rust is a Presbyterian pastor, writer, and blogger who has a keen interest in liturgy, monastic spirituality and the mysteries of faith. Having grown up in the mountains of east Tennessee he is an avid hiker, camper, and makes and hangs out in hammocks of his own creation. He is fond of music, mirth, and at least a little bit of mayhem. He can be found blogging at characterinthemaking.com .

Episode 36 – Pain in the Pandemic

On this day before Easter, Tony and Eric want to acknowledge the pain experienced across the globe during this Lent season. On Ash Wednesday (February 26), social distancing and quarantines were not yet being discussed in America. Over the 40 days of Lent, we have gained more empathy for the physical, economic, social, and psychological pain created by the coronavirus.


Tony pays homage to his favorite singer-song writer, John Prine, who died earlier this week.

To follow Eric’s 100 Day Project on Instagram, search “#100plantproject”. It’s the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day on April 22!

Episode 35 – Spouse Takeover!

Jen Riddle and Susan Lockwood-Roberts are guest hosts on this very special episode of Revealing Voices. Be prepared to have a different side of Tony and Eric “revealed” by their beautiful wives…..

Episode 34 – Praying Through A Pandemic

“The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.” ― Soren Kierkegaard

Prayer is not a business transaction between a dispassionate producer and a pleading consumer. Prayer is a conversation within a relationship of love.

A prayer of St. Francis of Assisi and the Jewish Shema bookend this episode on prayer. Praying in silence, with song, in nature, with groans, in anxiety, and for others are all discussed.

Episode 33 – Passing Peace in a Pandemic

Our response to the coronavirus is to create more episodes related to the intersection of faith and mental health. As we all seek out new ways to connect with each other, Tony and Eric will continue to pursue intimate, relevant conversation.

On this episode listen for:

How to prepare and not panic?

How do we take care of our mental health with additional stress related to coronavirus?

How do we reach out to others despite our physical isolation?

How do we worship when not going to a physical location?

3 Ways to Respond – Create, Consume, Connect

Tony reads a portion of this poem at the end of the podcast. It touches on the zeitgeist at this moment in world history.

Lockdown by Brother Richard Hendrick: 

Yes there is fear.

Yes there is isolation.

Yes there is panic buying.

Yes there is sickness.

Yes there is even death.


They say that in Wuhan after so many years of noise

You can hear the birds again.

They say that after just a few weeks of quiet

The sky is no longer thick with fumes

But blue and grey and clear.

They say that in the streets of Assisi

People are singing to each other

across the empty squares,

keeping their windows open

so that those who are alone

may hear the sounds of family around them.

They say that a hotel in the West of Ireland

Is offering free meals and delivery to the housebound.

Today a young woman I know

is busy spreading fliers with her number

through the neighbourhood

So that the elders may have someone to call on.

Today Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and Temples

are preparing to welcome

and shelter the homeless, the sick, the weary

All over the world people are slowing down and reflecting

All over the world people are looking at their neighbours in a new way

All over the world people are waking up to a new reality

To how big we really are.

To how little control we really have.

To what really matters.

To Love.

So we pray and we remember that

Yes there is fear.

But there does not have to be hate.

Yes there is isolation.

But there does not have to be loneliness.

Yes there is panic buying.

But there does not have to be meanness.

Yes there is sickness.

But there does not have to be disease of the soul

Yes there is even death.

But there can always be a rebirth of love.

Wake to the choices you make as to how to live now.

Today, breathe.

Listen, behind the factory noises of your panic

The birds are singing again

The sky is clearing,

Spring is coming,

And we are always encompassed by Love.

Open the windows of your soul

And though you may not be able

to touch across the empty square,


Episode 32 – Ray Lay, Hall of Famer

Ray Lay is a US Marine and person living with a dual diagnosis and is a member of three statewide boards. NAMI Indiana, Indiana Balance of State and Indiana Mental Illness Advisor Council. He is married and an Indiana Certified Specialist and VA Peer Support Specialist

Ray Lay is the first peer recovery specialist that we have interviewed. He shares a vast depth of lived experience that he utilizes in both one-on-one coaching and many public speaking engagements.

Ray Lay and Tony originally met during an “In Our On Voices” NAMI presentation.

Topics Include:

What is your role with NAMI?

As a Marine veteran, what experience has he had with the VA hospital system?

How did you transition out of homelessness?

What is Whole Health Action Management (WHAM)?

What does healing mean to you?


Martin Luther King Jr Memphis Speech – “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop”

Coronavirus Tracker through Johns Hopkins Hospital – Prayers for China and all who are affected

Derek Henderson Obituary – Tony and Eric discuss the local tragedy involving in Columbus, IN.

NAMI Indiana Staff and Board of Directors – Ray Lay is on the Board

Next Episode:

Our wives, Susan Lockwood-Roberts and Jen Riddle, do a podcast takeover!

Season 3 Trailer

After a productive brainstorm on a cold January afternoon, Tony and Eric share updates about the upcoming season.

In the next month, we plan to gather listener feedback to choose relevant topics and help us craft questions for our guests.

For Tony’s Delight in Disorder subscribers, we are excited for you to hear the voice of the man whose writing you have grown to appreciate.

First episode will release on Thursday, March 5.

Episode 31 – Bryon Ross, Tony’s GOAT Therapist

Bryon Ross is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who graduated from Indiana University in 1985. He has served diverse populations, including a program to rehabilitate sexual offenders. He now works as a therapist for a publicly funded clinic. There he serves people facing a wide range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and symptoms related to bipolar disorder. He identifies not as a Christian Counselor, but as a therapist who is a Christian.

Topics Include:

What is the difference between mental healthcare and behavioral health care?

How can people “interview” their therapist?

How do you effectively discuss faith in a publicly funded clinic?

What is a remarkable healing story from your professional counseling experience?

What role does forgiveness play in mental health?

What does healing mean to you?


Yoga with Goats– Eric has done yoga for years, but never with goats

San Antonio River Walk – Tony visited on most recent honeymoon

Columbus Tree Canopy Partners – Eric planning a tree planting project for 50th Anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, 2020

Episode 30 – Sepee Zabala Loves Jazz

Sepeedeh or “Sepee” Zabala is a working mother of two who moved to Berkeley, California in 1993 as a Christian missionary.  Raised an atheist by Iranian parents who immigrated to the U.S in the sixties, she was baptized in a horse trough in a living room in Washington, D.C. while attending college.  Her spiritual journey continues, now a tapestry of proven practices that allow healing, health and well-being while communing with like-minded believers of no particular faith or denomination.

Sepee is a member of The Stability Network, publicly speaking about her experiences with Bipolar, Depression and Addiction.  She has advocated in Alameda County’s education and health systems for children and teens suffering brain health symptoms along with the challenges navigating school, adolescence, and relationships.  She hopes to continue to advocate for young people, as well as for adults like herself who greatly benefit from employer support and workplace safety.

Sepee graduated from Georgetown’s Walsh School of Foreign Service in 1993 where she studied International Affairs and Theology.  For the last 14 years she’s worked at a leading global financial firm.

Topics include:

How did her family of origin react to her mental health struggles?

How has faith supported her mental health?

What work accomodation did she request?

How has The Stability Network supported her mental health advocacy work?

What does healing mean to you?


The Stability Network – Sepee and Eric are members, met at conference in 2018

Purdue University – the other Big Ten school in Indiana

Delight in Disorder – Tony’s blog where you can find more details about his upcoming book, “From Despair to Delight”

Jazz – Ken Burns documentary

Episode 29 – Healing Answers from 2018

“What Does Healing Mean To You?” has been the animating questions for our podcast since our first episode.

With Tony out this month, Eric has organized the extended answers from our Season 1 guests.

We encourage you to listen for responses that are most meaningful to you and then find the interview in our podcast feed. Eric does preface each response with a few details of the interviewee.

We would appreciate your written response to the question by adding your thoughts at our Audience Participation link.