Editing Breathing

Saturday was a busy day-  easily my second most anxious day in the studio since we started.  We were juggling recording the intro/outro on episode 1, as well as completing a few more loops.  Earlier that morning, I woke up at 7 AM to begin editing our Marie Henning interview.  Editing can be an obsessive activity.  I knew it was getting bad when I was analyzing keeping or editing my breathing.

Its a good problem to have…. an engaging interview with many questions asked and intimate responses.  The lesson in agonizing over editing to get to the 45 minute goal is…. just breathe.  It’s a lesson I’ll remember as I continue on podcast production strategy.

The thing about editing is that it can then impact my voice while recording, because I’ve become aware of my “well, you know”, “and… uh”, and incredibly slow pacing. I am seriously considering recording a loop encouraging people to listen to our podcast at 1.5x speed.  Episode 1 is coming in at 55 minutes and the way interview 2 is looking, Episode 2 will also clock in around that time.

By the time Saturday was coming to a close, I was considering telling Tony that we need to not edit our interviews. While that is probably not feasible, we need to talk through this process.  I’m guessing that I’ve put in close to 8 hours on editing each of the first 2 interviews.  Thankfully, I do feel better about the loops that will be a standard part of the show and will probably account for about 4 minutes of the show.  The intro, interview, takeaways, and close will need to be recorded as 4 separate takes normally.

We had promised a “Making of….” release for our Indiegogo contributors. Near the end of our time on Saturday, Tony encouraged me by saying that we would do the recording without editing. It was a great relief. I could hear it in my voice and my laughter during the 14 minutes. Truly, there was an element to our joyful, unedited back-and-forth that had me truly pondering the value of the editing.

There are going to be many trade-offs once March 1 hits.  Time editing is one of them.  Managing the website is another…

About the Author
Co-creator of Revealing Voices and resident spiritual poet for the podcast, Eric advocates for the development of better mental health through art and environmental stewardship.