psychiatric hospitals

Episode 4 – Katie Dale is Bipolar Brave

Here on episode 4, we welcome Katie R. Dale. Katie shares her unique blend of passion for recovery and humor over episodes in her past. She reveals joys and frustrations, and still comes to affirm the value of both faith and mental healthcare.
Katie addresses such questions as:
Who were your early faith inspirations?
What experiences do you have in psychiatric hospitals?
What is your view of pregnancy and mental health?
Why did you entitle your blog Bipolar Brave?
Katie currently serves as a caseworker at a behavioral non-profit to assist and facilitate change and growth in those with mental illness. As a former behavioral inpatient and proud bipolar, she has a unique first-hand perspective on the mental healthcare system and the symptoms of mental illness.

Katie has written a memoir and maintains a website on her disorder and faith at Bipolar Brave . Her speaking engagements include guest appearances on: Psych CentralFresh Hope For Mental Health; and, Counterpoint! With Gary Jenkins.

Katie’s writing and story has been featured in such places as: BP MagazineThe Mighty; and, Delight in Disorder.

You can also read Katie’s Allegorical poem, “The Plight of Lady Manic” in our blog.