peer leadership

Episode 19 – Live from the Heartland

Tony and Eric were keynote speakers at the Heartland: Best Practices for Ministries Conference . This episode is a live recording from the event.  The focus is on development of the Faithful Friends Mental Health Ministry and the Revealing Voices podcast.

The keynote address was given on October 10, World Mental Health Day.

This is our first podcast release not in our standard 45 minute format.

Next Episode:

We will be back in studio E for Episode 20 with Dr. Susan Lockwood. Her book, “Kicked to the Curb”, focuses on youth in the criminal justice system. It will be released on December 4.

Episode 17- Bob Mills, President of

Want to join a consortium of 12,000 mental health advocates?  Listen to Bob Mills, Founder of Minds Renewed, discuss the mission of his ambitious organization.  The goal of the organization is to become the most valuable web platform for evaluating, curating, and communicating the best mental health information on the web.

The origins began in 2001 in a mental health ministry that Bob started at 1st Presbyterian Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Bob’s desire to honor God through serving the suffering grew out of his own experience with bouts of depression and bipolar disorder.

Some topics include:

What is the leadership structure of his mental health group ministry?

What has led to the growth of Minds Renewed?

What are some good models that he has identified through his networking?

What does healing mean to you?


Mental Health Grace Alliance – ministry that provides mental health resources for families and individuals suffering with mental health struggles

Fresh Hope for Mental Health – Pastor Brad Hoefs is a podcast host and developer of a mental health group ministry model

The Stability Network – Mental health advocacy organization that helps employers, communities, and the public recognize that people with mental health conditions are their friends, neighbors and colleagues who canand dolead successful lives.

Episode 14 – Faithful Friends, Kim and Diana

Faithful Friends mental health wellness ministry model is the focus. Kim Graves and Diana Starkey, who lead the weekly ministry with Tony and Eric, help model the typical flow of the group.

Below is the format of the 7:00 – 8:30 PM ministry hosted every Tuesday night at The Living Room in Columbus, IN:

Opening Prayer | Announcements | Foundational Scripture | Introductions | Guidelines | Scripture | Accountability Check | Wellness Topic | Minute of Gratitude | Sharing | Closing Prayer

If you are interested in learning more about this ministry model, please reach out to Eric ( or Tony (

Faithful Friends has met every Tuesday since starting in November 2014.


Episode 4 – Katie Dale is Bipolar Brave

Here on episode 4, we welcome Katie R. Dale. Katie shares her unique blend of passion for recovery and humor over episodes in her past. She reveals joys and frustrations, and still comes to affirm the value of both faith and mental healthcare.
Katie addresses such questions as:
Who were your early faith inspirations?
What experiences do you have in psychiatric hospitals?
What is your view of pregnancy and mental health?
Why did you entitle your blog Bipolar Brave?
Katie currently serves as a caseworker at a behavioral non-profit to assist and facilitate change and growth in those with mental illness. As a former behavioral inpatient and proud bipolar, she has a unique first-hand perspective on the mental healthcare system and the symptoms of mental illness.

Katie has written a memoir and maintains a website on her disorder and faith at Bipolar Brave . Her speaking engagements include guest appearances on: Psych CentralFresh Hope For Mental Health; and, Counterpoint! With Gary Jenkins.

Katie’s writing and story has been featured in such places as: BP MagazineThe Mighty; and, Delight in Disorder.

You can also read Katie’s Allegorical poem, “The Plight of Lady Manic” in our blog.