
Episode 62 – Tony’s Moving to New York!

On this special old school episode, Eric Riddle produced the show. The show begins reflections of friends and family members answering the question, “What Does Tony Mean to You?” The episode then transitions into Tony and Eric discussing his move to New York, details about his new book, “Hope for Troubles Minds: Tributes to Those with Brain Illnesses and Their Loved Ones,” their experience going to an Indiana Hoosiers basketball game, and the background to Eric’s Haikast episodes.
The Revealing Voice podcast will continue in 2024 with more interviews, more Haikasts, and more news about Delight in Disorder ministries. Thank you for another great year as we wrap up the 6th year of podcasting!

Episode 46 – Hope with Kirsten Panachyda

Kirsten Panachyda writes and speaks to infuse courage into the soul-weary. Her book Among Lions: Fighting for Faith and Finding Your Rest while Parenting a Child with Mental Illness is available now. Kirsten blogs at kirstenp.com. She and her husband Dan have two sons, and they are a roller-coaster-riding, travel-loving, blue-hair-dying family.

Some topics include:

How did she transition from being afraid of sharing family’s story to having confidence to write the book?

What are some practical tips to prepare a loved one going to inpatient mental health facility?

How did Kirsten cope with son being hospitalied 2.5 hours from her home?

What is the Hope for Hurting Parents blog and support group?

What Does Healing Mean to You?


Hope for Hurting Parents – Provides resources for parents hurting over destructive behaviors or choices of their teen to adult children

Among Lions: Fighting for Faith and Finding your Rest while Parenting a Child with Mental Illness

Kneeling Among Lions: Praying When Your Child has a Mental Illness

Episode 40 — When Despair Meets Delight Author, Tony Roberts

Eric and Tony discuss Tony’s new book, When Despair Meets Delight: Stories to Cultivate Hope for Those Battling Mental Illness. The book is a memoir of a minister with a mental illness and model for mental health ministry. Autographed copies can currently be ordered at Tony’s website: www.whendespairmeetsdelight.com. On October 1, copies will be available on Amazon.


Tony’s first book is Delight in Disorder: Ministry, Madness, Mission

me and White Supremacy book by Layla F. Saad – Eric is reading with his men’s group

Bee City USA – National initiative by the Xerces Society for cities and campuses to actively plant native wildflowers and support life of bees, butterflies, and other pollinators

A blog post by Tony honoring the life of his father, Veston E Roberts