Wanting to dialogue on the recent suicides of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade, we interview Pastor Sarah Griffith Lund. Sarah has been speaking publicly about the intersection of faith and mental wellness since releasing “Blessed are the Crazy: Breaking the Silence About Mental Illness, Family and Church” (Chalice Press) in 2014.
Sarah is the Senior Minister at First Congregational Church of Christ in Indianapolis, IN.
She received the Bob and Joyce Dell Award for Mental Health Education from the United Church of Christ Mental Health Network in 2015 for “her outstanding authorship and leadership in breaking the silence about mental illness in family and in church and offering healing and hope.”
Some of the topics include:
How did growing up in a home affected by mental illness impact her faith?
What are some protective factors to prevent suicide?
What was her experience being chaplain for her cousin’s execution and death?
How will her personal ministry be carried into her new senior minister role?
What does healing mean to you?
Show Notes:
Sarah’s Website and Blog: www.sarahgriffithlund.com
First Congregational Church of Indianapolis: www.fcindy.org
Sip of Hope Coffee Bar (Chicago): www.sipofhope.com
The Life Saving Church: Faith Communities and Suicide Prevention by Rachael Keefe
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