Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. (Ephesians 4:15)
I discussed The MouseDriver Chronicles with Tony. It is a fun account of two MBA graduates leaving school to start a company that imported computer mice from China that were shaped like the head of a golf club driver. Move over Narnia.
Seriously, I described the journal-like quality of Mousedriver to Tony. It’s a raw description of the creative process.
I promised Tony that I would do something similar and start writing a journal of our experience. I will be revealing Revealing. Our account will capture the escapades of starting a podcast. I think if I can embrace the mundane and know that it will be heavily edited, I am willing to go through the writing process. Especially since my computer is actually keeping up with my typing speed now. Hallelujah!
Tony is an accomplished blogger who has become very refined over the past 3+ years since publishing Delight in Disorder. My concern that I stated to him is how to discern the types of posts that go on his Delight in Disorder blog in contrast with our Revealing Voices blog.
At the beginning, I wasn’t aware that we would have a Revealing Voices blog. Then I realized that I was working with a professional wordsmith. Most of what you will be reading on the blog, Indiegogo, and on social media will likely be from Tony. I am thankful he is letting me edit and contribute to the blog. I am honored to be able to work alongside him.
Most of my writing will likely be behind the scenes, but I assure you that I will be chronicling!
Last thing tonight- Tony was talking about the tag line. It looks like it may be “The Mental Health podcast raising unanswered questions, sharing unanswered prayers.” Speaking the truth in love the best we can.
– written by Eric Riddle
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