Sibyl Towner has a passion to help people identify the voice of God that is within them and to encourage a responsiveness to that voice. She has over 50 years of experience in extended household living as well as decades of pastoral leadership positions at College Hill Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati and Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago. Noted for welcoming and listening across the ages and appreciating the gift of both men and women, she delights in creating a sacred and safe space to meet with God and others.
She currently serves as a co- director of The Springs Christian Retreat Center where she teaches a two-year certificate program for Spiritual Direction through the School of Sustainable Faith. She is co- founder of One Life Maps and co-author of Listen to my Life, a tool for recognizing and responding to God in your life.
Sibyl received training through The Sustainable Faith of School of Spiritual Direction and has served for ten years as a spiritual director at The Transforming Center. She is knowledgeable in the Enneagram.
Some topics include:
How does The Springs Retreat Center uniquely support pastors who are struggling with burnout?
What is the arc of her ministry that led to becoming co-director at The Springs?
How does Sibyl define spiritual mentoring and how does she practice it?
How has she used her understanding of the Enneagram in her own life?
The Springs Retreat Center – Sibyl’s retreat center near Oldenburg, IN (halfway between Cincinnati and Indianapolis)
One Life Maps – Sibyl’s personal growth and spiritual mentoring website
Abbey of Gethsemani, Thomas Merton’s abbey – location of important spiritual development for Sibyl
Enneagram Institute – Sibyl briefly touches on her use of Enneagram in her mentoring practice and personal development
Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen
Everything Belongs by Richard Rohr
Prodigal God by Tim Keller
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