Masonry: 4 Columns

Episode 43 – Healing Highlights from Seasons 2 & 3

The animating question of Revealing Voices is “What does healing mean to you?” Tony and Eric have explored a wide diversity of responses to this question from our guests over the last 3 years. You will hear the voices of 15 different people in this episode, ranging from a Mental health Peer Counselor to Pastor...

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Episode 42- That Healing Feeling (Part 2)

This is part 2 with Sibyl Towner. We had so much fun with her and forgot to ask her our key question, “What does healing mean to you?” This episode focuses on her response to that question. The episode begins with my conversation with her the day after our original interview (Tony was not in...

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Episode 41 – Retreating with Sibyl Towner (Part 1)

Sibyl Towner has a passion to help people identify the voice of God that is within them and to encourage a responsiveness to that voice. She has over 50 years of experience in extended household living as well as decades of pastoral leadership positions at College Hill Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati and Willow Creek Community...

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Episode 40 — When Despair Meets Delight Author, Tony Roberts

Eric and Tony discuss Tony’s new book, When Despair Meets Delight: Stories to Cultivate Hope for Those Battling Mental Illness. The book is a memoir of a minister with a mental illness and model for mental health ministry. Autographed copies can currently be ordered at Tony’s website: On October 1, copies will be available...

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Episode 39 – Environmental Stewardship with Rachel Kavathe

Rachel Kavathe is an artist, landscape architect, and city planner. Her work focuses on creative placemaking and site-specific art installations. Her studio is located in Columbus, Indiana.  Rachel has over 15 years of experience working with communities to create, enhance, and celebrate the genius loci, or spirit of a place. Her work ranges in scale from community-wide...

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A Timeless MLK Eulogy from 57 years ago

From pandemic to protest. 2020 has been a difficult year. We seek spiritual leadership. During this time, Tony and I look to the healing words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This eulogy was given in 1963 following a bombing at 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. “They were discussing the eternal meaning of...

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Episode 38 – The Heart of Advocacy

Leslie Carpenter is a serious brain disorders advocate who is working to improve quality of care for people with brain disorders all along the continuum of care locally, in the state of Iowa and in the country.  She also teaches NAMI Family to Family & NAMI Provider training and is an active member of her...

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Episode 37 – Pastoring in the Pandemic

As we press forward in these difficult days, we want to feature voices from a variety of perspectives whose life and work has been strongly impacted by this crisis. On this episode, Les Rust talks about how the virus and ensuing quarantine is impacting the ministry of faith communities. Leslie D. Rust is a Presbyterian...

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