Masonry: 4 Columns

Episode 36 – Pain in the Pandemic

On this day before Easter, Tony and Eric want to acknowledge the pain experienced across the globe during this Lent season. On Ash Wednesday (February 26), social distancing and quarantines were not yet being discussed in America. Over the 40 days of Lent, we have gained more empathy for the physical, economic, social, and psychological...

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Episode 35 – Spouse Takeover!

Jen Riddle and Susan Lockwood-Roberts are guest hosts on this very special episode of Revealing Voices. Be prepared to have a different side of Tony and Eric “revealed” by their beautiful wives…..

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Episode 34 – Praying Through A Pandemic

“The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.” ― Soren Kierkegaard Prayer is not a business transaction between a dispassionate producer and a pleading consumer. Prayer is a conversation within a relationship of love. A prayer of St. Francis of Assisi and the Jewish...

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A Pandemic Prayer Journal

March 20, 9 a.m. Me: Hey V., how are you weathering this virus crisis?” V:  We are doing ok. A little more depressed. That is normal. It is affecting almost everyone. Worried about seeing our retirement being wiped out. I have a back up plan. If things get to the point I cannot handle it...

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Episode 33 – Passing Peace in a Pandemic

Our response to the coronavirus is to create more episodes related to the intersection of faith and mental health. As we all seek out new ways to connect with each other, Tony and Eric will continue to pursue intimate, relevant conversation. On this episode listen for: How to prepare and not panic? How do we...

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Episode 32 – Ray Lay, Hall of Famer

Ray Lay is a US Marine and person living with a dual diagnosis and is a member of three statewide boards. NAMI Indiana, Indiana Balance of State and Indiana Mental Illness Advisor Council. He is married and an Indiana Certified Specialist and VA Peer Support Specialist Ray Lay is the first peer recovery specialist that...

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Season 3 starts on March 5!

It has been over a year since I’ve written a blog post. Tony and I are committed to being more intentional with out “Behind the Scenes” posts this year. We had a very productive Sunday afternoon yesterday. Before recording, we had a brainstorming session about knowing our listeners better. What we do know is that...

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Season 3 Trailer

After a productive brainstorm on a cold January afternoon, Tony and Eric share updates about the upcoming season. In the next month, we plan to gather listener feedback to choose relevant topics and help us craft questions for our guests. For Tony’s Delight in Disorder subscribers, we are excited for you to hear the voice...

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