
Episode 38 – The Heart of Advocacy

Leslie Carpenter is a serious brain disorders advocate who is working to improve quality of care for people with brain disorders all along...

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Episode 37 – Pastoring in the Pandemic

As we press forward in these difficult days, we want to feature voices from a variety of perspectives whose life and work has...

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Episode 36 – Pain in the Pandemic

On this day before Easter, Tony and Eric want to acknowledge the pain experienced across the globe during this Lent season. On Ash...

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Episode 35 – Spouse Takeover!

Jen Riddle and Susan Lockwood-Roberts are guest hosts on this very special episode of Revealing Voices. Be prepared to have a different side...

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Episode 34 – Praying Through A Pandemic

“The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.” ― Soren Kierkegaard Prayer...

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A Pandemic Prayer Journal

March 20, 9 a.m. Me: Hey V., how are you weathering this virus crisis?” V:  We are doing ok. A little more depressed....

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